Sunday, March 6, 2011

day 6

michael,his wife and noor are making my life bearable
 through the love of Allah and his Beloved messenger peace be upon him.
the moment they're not around,i feel like i'm going to have a proper nervous breakdown,
so today was a quiet day.i was awake quite early but once again
 i had one of those dozing off days.i eventually got out of bed
 just before zuhr azan and made myself a cup of tea,then i chilled with michael.
the nightmare is once i wake up and realise i have to wait for news that may be terrible,
its unbearable.
a definate plus in the day is watching little noor ponder away at why her crab rattle would not talk back to her and have her own conversation with her her little toys
so this evening,after esha,we went to the mall to get some groceries,
and before buying that,we had a burger for dinner at a restaurant called chilis,it was scrumptious

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