Thursday, March 10, 2011

La ilaha illa Anta, Innee kunthu min-azzaalimeen

Wow,one whole day.It feels like it has been ages since i lasted posted anything.Well,yesterday was just like any other day,almost like any other because everyday isn't really the same,the honest truth is that I just didn't feel up to it.I have been fighting myself,fighting myself to stay positive,to keep my chin up,but it isn't easy sometimes.It just feels like nothing is working in my favour.But alhumdulillah there is alot going on.I think its just the one thing that I want so desperately that isn't happening,but then I have to have patience,and sometimes that word feels like such an enemy.But i know that I should and can never give up for I'm not alone in this.

Yunus (Jonah) was the son of Mitta according to a Tradition quoted in Sahih Bukhari but the Torah states that his father's name was Amittai.
When the prophethood was conferred upon him, he was commanded to go Nineveh for preaching the true faith of God.  Nineveh was situated on the right bank of the river Tigris.  It was the capital city of Assyria.  Its people were arrogant and conceited.  They led sinful lives.  The Prophet Yunus (peace be upon him) tried his best to reform them but they turned a deaf ear to his advice and warnings.  Soon he began to feel disgusted.  Consequently human frailty overpowered him.  He flew into a rage and invoked Allah's wrath on the people of Nineveh.  He became impatient and departed without waiting for further command from Allah.  He imagined perhaps God had no power over him.  The Prophet Yunus (peace be upon him) proceeded towards the sea and took a boat.  Unfortunately the boat was caught in a storm.   The sailors held him responsible for bringing misfortune to the boat.  They decided to throw Prophet Yunus (peace be upon him) into the water but the passengers did not agree to their decision.  Then lots were drawn and the name of Prophet Yunus (peace be upon him) came out.  The Prophet Yunus was thrown into the sea for the safety of the  boat.  When Prophet Yunus (peace be upon him) fell into the water, a great fish with capacious belly drew him in.  He was in extreme distress.   He realised that he had to suffer for committing dereliction towards his duty as a prophet.  Instead of running away he must have relied upon the power of Allah even in the most discouraged circumstances.

This story teaches us above all that we should rely solely on our Lord for He is the only one who can help us.Other people like Mr.F and them are trying but it is only through Allah's will, that one can succeed.

So anyways,last night after esha,Michael brought Taiyo home for dinner,we were talking about life here in Jordan and what's been going on in the Middle East.We also spoke about Berlitz and how he's finding it.It was interesting.Michael's wife prepared steak,eggs and chips.We felt like we were in a restaurant,they way it was presented.SubhanAllah,she goes out of her way every day.I really don't know how to thank them for everything they're doing for me during this unstable time of mine.

We left to get something for Michael's wife to eat,from a mall not far from their place.When we got back,the 3 of us, ie. Michael's wife, Michael and I sat in the kitchen and spoke about Islam and Da'wah till like 2 in the morning.This is our daily discussion.

You know it is the only thing I really want to do in my life.I truly feel its my purpose.
(Remember Allah during times of ease and He will remember you during times of difficulty.)

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